WEBVTT 1 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.360 You to accomplish with this particular session. 2 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:03.360 --> 00:00:08.189 So do an overview of what online resources to. 3 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:08.189 --> 00:00:11.790 We have I'm doing it by format. 4 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:11.790 --> 00:00:15.870 Um, part of the evaluation, I believe. 5 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:15.870 --> 00:00:19.170 Um, that done after these sessions. 6 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:19.170 --> 00:00:24.300 Um, if you have feedback about, you know, you want more specifics on a particular resource. 7 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:24.300 --> 00:00:28.380 Or particular aspect of the resources. 8 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:28.380 --> 00:00:32.009 Just make sure you put it in that evaluation and. 9 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:32.009 --> 00:00:35.700 We can make sure that, you know, as these of all. 10 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:35.700 --> 00:00:39.120 As we do these presentations, they evolve to actually answer. 11 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:39.120 --> 00:00:42.150 The questions that you have, um. 12 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:42.150 --> 00:00:46.200 So, the 1st slide, um, should be for ebooks. 13 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:46.200 --> 00:00:50.640 Um, so as I mentioned, um, I wanted to kind of take this. 14 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:50.640 --> 00:00:53.970 Format by format, um. 15 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:53.970 --> 00:00:58.980 The, the previous presentation I did was very specific about. 16 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:00:58.980 --> 00:01:02.490 Things that we added, and I thought it might be good to take a step. 17 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:02.490 --> 00:01:07.500 Back and kind of look at the various kind of formats or kind of, um. 18 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:07.500 --> 00:01:11.010 Chunks of types of materials that we have. 19 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:11.010 --> 00:01:14.730 And just do kind of a broad overview of kind of how we looked. 20 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:14.730 --> 00:01:20.490 Um, in terms of, um, technical services, maintenance and whatnot. 21 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:20.490 --> 00:01:24.060 Um, so we have thousands and thousands of ebooks. 22 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:24.060 --> 00:01:27.810 Um, our primary goal is with any. 23 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:27.810 --> 00:01:31.800 That we make them available in the library catalog. 24 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:31.800 --> 00:01:36.060 So that, you know, they're part of the overall starts. 25 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:36.060 --> 00:01:39.900 That's all the users are doing. I don't believe. 26 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:39.900 --> 00:01:42.930 Yeah, I know. 27 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:42.930 --> 00:01:47.430 In the case of of ebooks generally were pretty lucky with. 28 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:47.430 --> 00:01:53.280 Vendors providing us quick and easy ways to get Mark records into the catalog. 29 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:53.280 --> 00:01:56.940 So that when people start searching. 30 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:01:56.940 --> 00:02:02.820 They're getting all the ebook availability that we have as well as our print kind of all rolled into 1. 31 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:02.820 --> 00:02:06.660 I will also say that there are aspects. 32 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:06.660 --> 00:02:10.139 Of our knowledge base, that kind of enhanced it. 33 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:10.139 --> 00:02:14.340 Um, in terms of discovery, and also allow us. 34 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:14.340 --> 00:02:20.010 To link, um, in various instances, to kind of the book chapter level. 35 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:20.010 --> 00:02:23.070 Um, that's something that is provided by the vendor so it. 36 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:23.070 --> 00:02:26.220 To be a little wonky, but for the most. 37 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:26.220 --> 00:02:30.240 Part, we haven't seen any major issues with it. It usually. 38 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:30.240 --> 00:02:34.560 Um, the issues we see are, um, with vendors, like Gail. 39 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:34.560 --> 00:02:40.110 Um, who tend to describe their resources in a. 40 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:40.110 --> 00:02:43.590 Away all their own, I guess, is probably the nicest way to put it. 41 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:43.590 --> 00:02:46.800 Um, so we and the other aspect is. 42 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:46.800 --> 00:02:51.150 With book reviews, there are times in which various vendors kind of. 43 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:51.150 --> 00:02:56.430 Index those differently, so for the most part, you should be able to. 44 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:02:56.430 --> 00:03:01.380 To find book reviews without a problem, but if. 45 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:01.380 --> 00:03:05.070 By and large, there are issues with anything related to books. 46 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:05.070 --> 00:03:09.990 It will be book reviews because a particular vendor didn't indexed it. 47 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:09.990 --> 00:03:15.300 All the way to the most granular level. So a link may take you just generally into. 48 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:15.300 --> 00:03:19.500 A particular book and not a right to the particular article. 49 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:19.500 --> 00:03:22.740 Um, or book for view in this particular case. 50 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:22.740 --> 00:03:27.960 Um, in terms of providing various ways to access. 51 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:27.960 --> 00:03:33.840 Um, E, books we also put the eBook platforms on our database is the list so you'll find. 52 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:33.840 --> 00:03:38.130 Um, kind of like the hubs for Springer, which is Springer link. 53 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:38.130 --> 00:03:43.050 Cambridge corps for Cambridge now it's Oxford academics. 54 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:43.050 --> 00:03:47.100 Um, for Oxford titles and so. 55 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:47.100 --> 00:03:51.360 In the off chance, a user kind of just really like I love. 56 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:51.360 --> 00:03:54.900 Taylor and Francis books I'm going to go in and I just want to search those. 57 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:54.900 --> 00:03:59.970 Um, we have it listed on the list to kind of give another level of access. 58 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:03:59.970 --> 00:04:03.960 Um, the, the piece about, um. 59 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:03.960 --> 00:04:10.440 Using the platforms directly is that they show all of the content that's available. 60 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:10.440 --> 00:04:15.450 Not just what we have purchased, so they may run into instances in which they see a book that they're really. 61 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:15.450 --> 00:04:18.690 Interested in, but we haven't purchased it yet. 62 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:18.690 --> 00:04:23.760 So, in those cases, they would need to go to the inter library load or. 63 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:23.760 --> 00:04:28.290 Request that we purchased it for addition to the collection. 64 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:28.290 --> 00:04:33.210 Um, so there's pluses and minuses. It really depends on kind of what. 65 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:33.210 --> 00:04:37.500 You're actually trying to accomplish, but by and large when it comes. 66 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:37.500 --> 00:04:41.130 To eBooks, um. 67 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:41.130 --> 00:04:45.870 We kind of hope and send people to Primo and hope that kind of. 68 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:45.870 --> 00:04:51.060 Get everything all at once and is the most seamless way to get ebooks. 69 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:51.060 --> 00:04:56.880 Um, as noted here, um, so, E, books and ebooks essential, those 2 particular platforms. 70 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:04:56.880 --> 00:05:01.950 They only show the titles that we have purchased, which is great. 71 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:01.950 --> 00:05:05.160 Um, the caveat with those particular platforms. 72 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:05.160 --> 00:05:11.340 Is the books that we buy on them? They're kind of a conduit there, you know. 73 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:11.340 --> 00:05:17.880 A seller of of content and so the content may not be the free. 74 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:17.880 --> 00:05:22.710 Which means there may be limitations on the number of pages that you can download. 75 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:22.710 --> 00:05:26.610 Um, the number of pages that you can print. 76 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:26.610 --> 00:05:31.440 Oftentimes, what are the, the well, the biggest. 77 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:31.440 --> 00:05:35.880 Question that I tend to get where we tend to get from. 78 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:35.880 --> 00:05:40.680 The, the college students that stores on the, the regional campuses is. 79 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:40.680 --> 00:05:43.830 You know, I, I have a chapter that I want. 80 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:43.830 --> 00:05:47.850 But in particular, this is locked down. 81 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:47.850 --> 00:05:51.000 Is such an extent that I can't actually download the. 82 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:51.000 --> 00:05:57.060 Full chapter at 1, so I got to download 1 part of the chapter and then go back again. 83 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:05:57.060 --> 00:06:00.960 A, 2nd time to get the rest of the chapters to stay within. 84 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:00.960 --> 00:06:04.680 Um, the free or the. 85 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:04.680 --> 00:06:08.490 Um, limitations, so the digital rights management. 86 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:08.490 --> 00:06:11.610 Um, the to tend to be a bit. 87 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:11.610 --> 00:06:15.630 Frustrating for not just students, but even myself. 88 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:15.630 --> 00:06:19.380 Um, especially if by chance the faculty member doesn't. 89 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:19.380 --> 00:06:27.180 Quite understand the limitations and the digital rights management implications and say they find a particular ebook. 90 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:27.180 --> 00:06:30.240 Um, to their students and then. 91 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:30.240 --> 00:06:33.630 We have a whole bunch of people to try to get in at the same time. 92 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:33.630 --> 00:06:37.200 Let's say we only have 1 user or 3 users. 93 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:37.200 --> 00:06:41.580 Um, but we have we, we have various systems to kind of. 94 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:41.580 --> 00:06:44.940 Keep up with that to make sure that if. 95 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:44.940 --> 00:06:48.120 Student is trying to get an E book. 96 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:48.120 --> 00:06:51.300 Um, that we do have access to, we're trying to. 97 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:51.300 --> 00:06:55.560 The access to it as much as we can within the limitation. 98 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:55.560 --> 00:06:59.460 Concept by the publishers and the vendors, um. 99 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:06:59.460 --> 00:07:02.670 So just keep that in mind, um. 100 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:02.670 --> 00:07:08.940 Moving on to the next slide. The next general area that I wanted to just touch on is E Journal. 101 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:08.940 --> 00:07:15.390 Um, as is always the case, we have access to millions of articles from various publishers. 102 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:15.390 --> 00:07:18.510 Again, we do whatever we can to get. 103 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:18.510 --> 00:07:25.740 Um, E, journals into Primo, both on the journal title level as well as the article level. 104 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:25.740 --> 00:07:29.280 Again, a lot of that information is supplied by vendors. 105 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:29.280 --> 00:07:32.700 Um, we do the best that we can to make it. 106 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:32.700 --> 00:07:35.730 A 100% accurate, um. 107 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:35.730 --> 00:07:41.820 But sometimes there are instances in which we have to Jerry rig things and what not. 108 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:41.820 --> 00:07:47.130 Um, so by and large students, faculty should be able to go to Primo. 109 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:47.130 --> 00:07:50.310 And as well as, um, you know, through their whole search. 110 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:50.310 --> 00:07:54.060 Experience be able to get to journals and a multiple. 111 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:54.060 --> 00:07:58.950 Ways whether or not, they're going targeted to a particular. 112 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:07:58.950 --> 00:08:02.520 The Journal, because they want to look at the table of contents for the last. 113 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:02.520 --> 00:08:07.530 2 or 3 are issues, or they're actually looking specifically for an article. 114 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:07.530 --> 00:08:12.330 Um, also much like the ebook. 115 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:12.330 --> 00:08:16.530 The eternal platforms are listed in the databases. 116 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:16.530 --> 00:08:21.360 Um, 1 of the things that you should note that. 117 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:21.360 --> 00:08:27.330 A lot of our publishers are trying to kind of consolidate all their content onto 1. 118 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:27.330 --> 00:08:31.890 Um, platform world, so that users can do searches across their. 119 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:31.890 --> 00:08:35.100 And eternal content all at 1. 120 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:35.100 --> 00:08:39.480 The latest person or publisher to do this as Oxford, but. 121 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:39.480 --> 00:08:43.650 Bring your Cambridge tailored Francis all the biggie. 122 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:43.650 --> 00:08:47.610 I've done this, so, in terms of going directly to. 123 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:47.610 --> 00:08:52.560 Of publisher's platform users will just want to keep in mind. 124 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:52.560 --> 00:08:58.200 Whether or not, you know, they want to look at just what type of content or. 125 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:08:58.200 --> 00:09:01.500 They don't care if it's equal chapters or articles. 126 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:01.500 --> 00:09:06.420 Um, so just a caveat, um, 1 of the things I just wanted to mention. 127 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:06.420 --> 00:09:12.330 Is due to budget restrictions we, um, in the library, we're going through a multi year. 128 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:12.330 --> 00:09:15.510 Reduction in our subscription. 129 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:15.510 --> 00:09:21.330 And kind of moving high cost descriptions to an article demand. 130 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:21.330 --> 00:09:25.170 Excuse me on demand articles the settlement process. 131 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:25.170 --> 00:09:28.470 So, essentially, what we're doing is rather than just having us. 132 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:28.470 --> 00:09:33.840 It's just in case, um, at point of need, when a user wants it. 133 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:33.840 --> 00:09:37.380 We have we're using an on demand service. 134 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:37.380 --> 00:09:43.110 The faculty and graduate students, but it also includes the inter library loan. 135 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:43.110 --> 00:09:46.680 The settlement process, it's kind of all big. 136 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:46.680 --> 00:09:49.800 Into 1 now, um, in some ways. 137 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:49.800 --> 00:09:53.850 And so the students and faculty at this. 138 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:53.850 --> 00:09:58.080 I believe still need to use inter library loan. 139 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:09:58.080 --> 00:10:04.140 But if at any point, you're finding it difficult to get the journal articles. 140 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:04.140 --> 00:10:07.290 Um, more specifically for faculty. 141 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:07.290 --> 00:10:12.060 Um, you know, just reach out to us, you can use the at support. 142 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:12.060 --> 00:10:15.270 That to let us know where. 143 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:15.270 --> 00:10:19.410 Starting with the highest level researchers. 144 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:19.410 --> 00:10:23.070 That we have the faculty and the graduate students. 145 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:23.070 --> 00:10:28.410 Um, because we don't necessarily expect students in the lower levels to be doing it. 146 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:28.410 --> 00:10:32.490 Much high level and extensive research. 147 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:32.490 --> 00:10:37.050 Um, but this is all part of the information gathering that we're doing. 148 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:37.050 --> 00:10:41.250 Um, as we make these budget cuts and these journal cuts. 149 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:41.250 --> 00:10:44.280 Right now, um, we have. 150 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:44.280 --> 00:10:48.540 Reduced or cut back on subscriptions. 151 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:48.540 --> 00:10:53.100 Bringer Cambridge as well as. 152 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:53.100 --> 00:10:59.220 So, you, if you will find, in those instances, you may not be getting direct access right away. 153 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:10:59.220 --> 00:11:03.450 You may be pushed to request through inter library loans. 154 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:03.450 --> 00:11:09.000 Um, does anybody have any questions or comments that I should address at this point? 155 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:09.000 --> 00:11:15.150 Okay. 156 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:15.150 --> 00:11:19.230 All right, so onto databases. 157 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:19.230 --> 00:11:23.910 Um, so we provide access to over. 158 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:23.910 --> 00:11:26.940 300 databases I think it's more around. 159 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:26.940 --> 00:11:30.270 Um, 500, but I was. 160 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:30.270 --> 00:11:36.030 Low balling, everybody has a very different idea of what is the database at times. 161 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:36.030 --> 00:11:40.470 So, whereas I would say Jay store the database, I have materials colleagues. You say. 162 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:40.470 --> 00:11:45.120 No, it's a serial, a surprise, you know, 0 package. 163 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:45.120 --> 00:11:48.570 So, um, and I will update that too. 164 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:48.570 --> 00:11:52.440 What I'm actually going to report later this week for our. 165 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:52.440 --> 00:11:56.550 Official total number of databases. 166 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:11:56.550 --> 00:12:00.390 Um, but as it says, it covers disciplines from art. 167 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:00.390 --> 00:12:04.230 Um, and do the hard side, the social sciences. 168 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:04.230 --> 00:12:11.100 Um, I did make note here of the more popular databases that we do have academic search premiere. 169 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:11.100 --> 00:12:17.580 Which I imagine everybody fairly familiar with the state library has, um. 170 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:17.580 --> 00:12:24.270 Have the contract and so in order to provide access to academic search premiere. 171 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:24.270 --> 00:12:29.100 Which I'm kind of hoping free doesn't go away time too. 172 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:29.100 --> 00:12:33.330 Um, as well as psych info and scopist. 173 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:33.330 --> 00:12:36.390 Um, most of the articles from the databases. 174 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:36.390 --> 00:12:41.130 Are indexed in Primo at an article level. 175 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:41.130 --> 00:12:47.730 Um, we don't have, you know, there are some instances in which you may find a record that says just. 176 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:47.730 --> 00:12:51.030 Um, but those are records that we're trying to. 177 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:51.030 --> 00:12:54.030 Clean up, because a lot of them have older links in them. 178 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:54.030 --> 00:12:58.620 So, in terms of searching for a particular database, we do. 179 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:12:58.620 --> 00:13:01.680 People to use the database list. 180 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:01.680 --> 00:13:06.030 Um, but do you note that, um, we do have our databases. 181 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:06.030 --> 00:13:09.060 Set up in Primo, so that. 182 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:09.060 --> 00:13:12.180 The article level can kind of be index. 183 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:12.180 --> 00:13:15.240 Amongst all of the E Journal content we have as well as. 184 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:15.240 --> 00:13:18.690 Um, the ebook content, so. 185 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:18.690 --> 00:13:22.860 Really the 1 stop hub is we just do whatever we can to get. 186 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:22.860 --> 00:13:26.580 Anything and everything into Primo. 187 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:26.580 --> 00:13:33.180 In a granular level, so that we're meeting the needs of any particular level of access. 188 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:33.180 --> 00:13:37.470 Desired whether it be a journal title article level. 189 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:37.470 --> 00:13:42.300 Both chapter level books as well as series. 190 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:42.300 --> 00:13:45.990 And I just wanted to put a note. 191 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:45.990 --> 00:13:51.630 Here to bring it to everybody's attention that, um, we do have a databases agency list. 192 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:51.630 --> 00:13:55.050 And it does have a couple of ways that you can limit. 193 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:55.050 --> 00:13:58.350 Um, there are ways to to, to refine. 194 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:13:58.350 --> 00:14:02.310 Um, the list of databases by subject. 195 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:02.310 --> 00:14:06.270 To get more specific databases though, instances in which. 196 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:06.270 --> 00:14:09.510 You just want to look for this, like, psychology um. 197 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:09.510 --> 00:14:14.370 Databases you can limit by that, and it will show you, um. 198 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:14.370 --> 00:14:17.760 What are librarians and kind of deemed as, you know, the best. 199 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:17.760 --> 00:14:21.570 That versus 1 that, you know, they may not. 200 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:21.570 --> 00:14:24.870 Fill all your needs, but, um. 201 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:24.870 --> 00:14:31.650 They may cover your subject generally in psychology. Um, in this particular example. 202 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:31.650 --> 00:14:34.680 All right. 203 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:34.680 --> 00:14:37.740 And streaming video onto the next. 204 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:37.740 --> 00:14:41.460 Um, so streaming video was something that we. 205 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:41.460 --> 00:14:47.790 Really try to invest a lot in. Um, so generally with streaming video, we have. 206 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:47.790 --> 00:14:53.940 We've been by packages of streaming video that we will own in perpetuity. 207 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:53.940 --> 00:14:58.140 Um, so we have access to thousands of streaming video um. 208 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:14:58.140 --> 00:15:01.500 Content from various distributors. 209 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:01.500 --> 00:15:06.060 Um, on various platforms, much like our journals and our ebooks. 210 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:06.060 --> 00:15:10.590 Um, again we do whatever we can to get it. It's a pretty well, it's part of. 211 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:10.590 --> 00:15:13.830 Um, anybody's search discovery. 212 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:13.830 --> 00:15:17.940 Um, and then we also again also have the. 213 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:17.940 --> 00:15:22.140 Form listed on a database a, to Z list. 214 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:22.140 --> 00:15:25.710 Um, so, for example, for Alexander's Chris, we have. 215 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:25.710 --> 00:15:30.510 A great deal of content from them. Video content is so. 216 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:30.510 --> 00:15:33.660 Using this particular link. 217 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:33.660 --> 00:15:37.290 Will allow you to search across the entire platform so. 218 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:37.290 --> 00:15:41.220 Um, I believe from Alexander, we have, um. 219 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:41.220 --> 00:15:49.320 Uh, PBS, the PBS collection, which we purchased, we also have a subscription to academic video online. 220 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:49.320 --> 00:15:52.440 Um, which would also be included. 221 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:52.440 --> 00:15:55.710 Um, and various smaller, um. 222 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:55.710 --> 00:15:59.250 Video collections, I believe drama online as well. 223 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:15:59.250 --> 00:16:02.850 Trying to remember that no, Dan in video. 224 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:02.850 --> 00:16:06.540 Might actually be it, but if you go there, you can search across. 225 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:06.540 --> 00:16:11.340 All of that content all at once, as opposed to having to go into each 1 individually. 226 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:11.340 --> 00:16:14.760 Um, and get a better sense of. 227 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:14.760 --> 00:16:19.050 Uh, the content that we do have in streaming video. 228 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:19.050 --> 00:16:25.560 Um, we do also get individual streams as requested by faculty. 229 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:25.560 --> 00:16:29.550 From canopy and. 230 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:29.550 --> 00:16:32.910 White digital campus, I believe is what they're called these days. 231 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:32.910 --> 00:16:35.970 Um, so on top of these. 232 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:35.970 --> 00:16:39.840 Collections the streaming video that we purchase, we supplement that. 233 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:39.840 --> 00:16:43.500 Um, kind of on an on demand by request. 234 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:43.500 --> 00:16:47.790 Process, um, so that we're meeting all of the need. 235 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:47.790 --> 00:16:51.060 Of the curriculum that's being taught. 236 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:51.060 --> 00:16:56.820 Uh, just a general note 1 of the questions, we oftentimes related to streaming video that we get. 237 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:16:56.820 --> 00:17:00.000 Is whether or not something has public performance, right? 238 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:00.000 --> 00:17:03.360 And for the most part that is noted in the catalog. 239 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:03.360 --> 00:17:07.770 Um, with each individual records, um, but if you ever have questions about. 240 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:07.770 --> 00:17:11.400 Public performance rights, or any of the rights related to. 241 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:11.400 --> 00:17:14.670 The streaming video that we have just feel free to. 242 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:14.670 --> 00:17:17.970 That's a lie for the most. 243 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:17.970 --> 00:17:25.290 All of the content we do get is generally understood to be used for educational, um, curricular. 244 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:25.290 --> 00:17:28.650 Support and purposes. 245 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:28.650 --> 00:17:32.190 But we do have some content that it has public performance, right? 246 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:32.190 --> 00:17:37.140 Um, I believe the canopy content has public performance, right? So that, you know. 247 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:37.140 --> 00:17:40.410 In the case of a faculty member being unsure about. 248 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:40.410 --> 00:17:43.770 To what extent they can share a particular video. 249 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:43.770 --> 00:17:48.360 Um, they can feel free to to drop us a line, just to make sure that. 250 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:48.360 --> 00:17:52.440 Um, we're not breaking any, um, licensing rules for that. 251 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:52.440 --> 00:17:56.520 Um, and the next. 252 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:17:56.520 --> 00:18:01.140 Slide I wanted to talk about is streamlining your access to full text. 253 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:01.140 --> 00:18:04.170 Um, so as part of this. 254 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:04.170 --> 00:18:07.440 New evolution last semester, I think. 255 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:07.440 --> 00:18:16.620 When I spoke with some of you, um, I mentioned things, like, we were moving to 2 factor, which sounds like the students have been. 256 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:16.620 --> 00:18:20.730 Taking care of I hope so that that. 257 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:20.730 --> 00:18:24.390 Doesn't necessarily ends up being an issue for them. Um. 258 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:24.390 --> 00:18:30.510 Our also implemented at the VPN, a new VPN, which changed access. 259 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:30.510 --> 00:18:33.780 For some of our faculty, I don't know. 260 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:33.780 --> 00:18:38.160 What they use is like, in terms of faculty, but. 261 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:38.160 --> 00:18:43.560 You know, they may have been relying on the old VPN, which kind of mimics being on campus. 262 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:43.560 --> 00:18:50.490 So 1 of the things that we did during the winter was create a new lesson guide. 263 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:50.490 --> 00:18:53.580 To help, I'm just, you know. 264 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:53.580 --> 00:18:56.610 Take a step back look at access. 265 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:56.610 --> 00:18:59.700 To library resources and kind of this. 266 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:18:59.700 --> 00:19:03.180 More general way, so that we can kind of. 267 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:03.180 --> 00:19:06.630 Understand and help users. 268 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:06.630 --> 00:19:10.530 Regardless of where they were so, um. 269 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:10.530 --> 00:19:13.710 This particular lift guide, um. 270 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:13.710 --> 00:19:20.850 I don't know if you have an opportunity to click on that, or if it will work for you, Zach, but otherwise we could find another way. Um. 271 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:20.850 --> 00:19:23.970 Hello. 272 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:23.970 --> 00:19:27.240 To talk about that a little bit more. Um, but. 273 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:27.240 --> 00:19:32.070 Essentially, this live guide the, the front page of it. 274 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:32.070 --> 00:19:37.590 Um, has the graphic and so, if a user's coming from a publisher site web. 275 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:37.590 --> 00:19:42.870 Uh, directly or rather than going to the library website. 276 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:42.870 --> 00:19:48.780 We wanted to get us be able to show users, you know, this is where you're starting. 277 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:48.780 --> 00:19:54.000 This is kind of the process that you will likely observe in order to kind of get you from where you are. 278 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:54.000 --> 00:19:58.770 The library resources and so in instances, like, um. 279 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:19:58.770 --> 00:20:03.390 We have a lot of faculty that just goes straight to Springer or straight to Oxford. 280 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:03.390 --> 00:20:08.820 And with the new VPN, it made it very difficult for them to. 281 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:08.820 --> 00:20:13.260 Kind of seamlessly be integrated into the library. 282 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:13.260 --> 00:20:18.180 Best worlds, um, so we have this new tool that we've been, um. 283 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:18.180 --> 00:20:21.210 Asking people to try out. 284 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:21.210 --> 00:20:27.450 Um, I think it's great. It's called live keynote mad and the instructions are on this lab guide. 285 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:27.450 --> 00:20:31.920 And essentially what it does is, it takes it's a, um. 286 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:31.920 --> 00:20:35.580 Internet browser add on or an extension. 287 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:35.580 --> 00:20:44.250 And it, it will pop up once you've authenticated wants to kind of indicate, you know, you select that you're part of the University of Connecticut. 288 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:44.250 --> 00:20:49.740 And then your net ID and password to kind of tell. 289 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:49.740 --> 00:20:53.520 Extension okay, you're UConn person. 290 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:53.520 --> 00:20:56.790 Um, or you should have access to these, you kind of resources. 291 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:56.790 --> 00:20:59.880 Um, a button when you are. 292 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:20:59.880 --> 00:21:04.320 On a particular article page on 1 of these publishers sites. 293 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:04.320 --> 00:21:07.620 It will pop up a little box in the lower left hand corner. 294 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:07.620 --> 00:21:10.800 It allows you to connect to, um. 295 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:10.800 --> 00:21:14.310 Library resources, so it'll say, download PDF. 296 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:14.310 --> 00:21:19.230 If it's already acknowledging oh, yeah, no, we check. You can't just have it. 297 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:19.230 --> 00:21:22.830 Click here and you should we'll take you to the, the full text. 298 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:22.830 --> 00:21:27.330 Um, or it will provide you, it will say article access. 299 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:27.330 --> 00:21:31.440 And when you click on it, it will take you into our catalog at that particular. 300 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:31.440 --> 00:21:36.060 Article and allow you to click on request PDF. 301 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:36.060 --> 00:21:40.050 So that you can get the auto filled form for air library low. 302 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:40.050 --> 00:21:44.400 Um, so that was that was 1 of the things that. 303 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:44.400 --> 00:21:47.760 At least from my own point of view, I wanted to get out there. 304 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:47.760 --> 00:21:51.540 Um, it may not be very useful for students. 305 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:51.540 --> 00:21:54.840 But, faculty, um, if they are. 306 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:21:54.840 --> 00:22:00.480 Um, perpetually having difficulties kind of. 307 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:00.480 --> 00:22:05.490 They have workflows in which they do, like to go directly to publisher. 308 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:05.490 --> 00:22:09.630 Form I would encourage them to try to lift keynote. 309 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:09.630 --> 00:22:13.080 I don't know what kind of restriction you all may have. 310 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:13.080 --> 00:22:16.410 Um, in terms of web browser extension. 311 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:16.410 --> 00:22:20.550 Um, but if you don't have them and you can download it. 312 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:20.550 --> 00:22:24.060 Or even just doing it at home. Um, it is pretty neat. 313 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:24.060 --> 00:22:30.780 But the other piece that we outlined on this particular live guide. 314 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:30.780 --> 00:22:36.240 Um, also to kind of give people the sense of how our new on demand service. 315 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:36.240 --> 00:22:41.640 Worked in the greater or the bigger picture of how we are providing access. 316 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:41.640 --> 00:22:45.390 Um, so it's a pretty. 317 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:45.390 --> 00:22:49.650 Thorough and regularly updated lip guys. 318 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:49.650 --> 00:22:55.950 Um, but I imagine that this is probably going to be a live guide that we turn into kind of a hub. 319 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:22:55.950 --> 00:23:00.210 Um, so as we get new library tools of note. 320 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:00.210 --> 00:23:07.320 We'll add to it to kind of create our own internal technical resources, knowledge base. 321 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:07.320 --> 00:23:13.350 Um, that we can connect to say, ask the library and service that are reference. 322 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:13.350 --> 00:23:16.830 We have, um, but. 323 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:16.830 --> 00:23:21.150 This is a guide that I encourage everybody to check out. 324 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:21.150 --> 00:23:25.410 Do you have questions just reach out and let me know. 325 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:25.410 --> 00:23:30.450 Um, but it it kind of that that back to to really say, okay. 326 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:30.450 --> 00:23:36.240 A lot of stuff is changing. Um, can we still get our, our, our full test. 327 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:36.240 --> 00:23:41.040 Of course, it's just you may take a different path than you're used to. 328 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:41.040 --> 00:23:45.150 And then on to the next. 329 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:45.150 --> 00:23:48.600 Slide I just wanted to reiterate, I think. 330 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:48.600 --> 00:23:53.550 This is something that I mentioned in the last presentation I did. 331 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:23:53.550 --> 00:24:01.920 Doing my due diligence, we do have a use of license electronic resources policy. 332 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:01.920 --> 00:24:05.730 Then everybody should check out and be familiar with. 333 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:05.730 --> 00:24:09.870 Um, it outlines about 4 or 5 resources. 334 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:09.870 --> 00:24:18.060 That are specifically only usable by our business or of our business school I believe and then. 335 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:18.060 --> 00:24:21.720 I believe we also have I find her on that list. 336 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:21.720 --> 00:24:24.810 So, um, AC, students may not have. 337 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:24.810 --> 00:24:29.040 In fact, if you may not have access to those particular resources, because. 338 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:29.040 --> 00:24:33.990 Licensing, um, but if that becomes an issue, please just reach out and we'll. 339 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:33.990 --> 00:24:37.230 Figure out how best to deal with that. 340 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:37.230 --> 00:24:40.560 And also a continued note how we. 341 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:40.560 --> 00:24:43.680 Currently authenticate is through easy proxy. 342 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:43.680 --> 00:24:47.040 We still continuously get the question of. 343 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:47.040 --> 00:24:50.430 Well, we saw this button in the corners and access. 344 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:50.430 --> 00:24:54.600 Through your institution, which many vendors have. 345 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:24:54.600 --> 00:25:01.110 But, unfortunately, that not set up for you because we use easy proxy. 346 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:01.110 --> 00:25:04.710 So that we can make sure that across the board for. 347 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:04.710 --> 00:25:08.280 Smaller resources we can authenticate. 348 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:08.280 --> 00:25:15.690 Um, those, those buttons on publisher sites that they institutional access or access via. 349 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:15.690 --> 00:25:20.820 Um, institution or log in through your institution, or generally. 350 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:20.820 --> 00:25:26.340 Um, the vendors allow us to set up a different kind of authentication. 351 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:26.340 --> 00:25:29.700 Um, which we haven't done at this point um. 352 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:29.700 --> 00:25:33.900 Because we do have easy proxy, so. 353 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:33.900 --> 00:25:37.260 Just kind of an, in terms of I, I do. 354 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:37.260 --> 00:25:45.270 Consistently get ticket or troubleshooting issues for people who are like, I will I clicked on this like, the website told me and I'm like. 355 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:45.270 --> 00:25:49.890 Well, W, for your website didn't account for the fact that. 356 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:49.890 --> 00:25:54.450 We're not using what, you know, shibboleth or open Athens. 357 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:54.450 --> 00:25:57.840 Um, we're using easy proxy, um. 358 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:25:57.840 --> 00:26:01.140 So that's just in general and again. 359 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:01.140 --> 00:26:09.810 The state of state library does provide resources for schools, public libraries as well as the academic institutions. 360 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:09.810 --> 00:26:12.900 Across the state of Connecticut. 361 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:12.900 --> 00:26:18.960 You may find people are familiar with some of those resources and are used to. 362 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:18.960 --> 00:26:22.950 Um, accessing them through their public library using. 363 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:22.950 --> 00:26:28.110 Their public library card Yukon has those same resources. 364 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:28.110 --> 00:26:34.260 Um, but they're set up so that students would use net ID and password in order to access them. So. 365 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:34.260 --> 00:26:37.650 There may be some confusion for some students. 366 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:37.650 --> 00:26:41.460 And or public library familiar people. 367 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:41.460 --> 00:26:44.670 As they're like, well, I used this data base all the time. 368 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:44.670 --> 00:26:50.040 We just don't wanna keep a little different. We love our net ID. Um. 369 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:50.040 --> 00:26:54.120 All right, so onto the next slide. 370 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:54.120 --> 00:26:59.610 Just a few notes that I D and library resources. Um. 371 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:26:59.610 --> 00:27:04.650 Having a current that ID and password is essential. 372 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:04.650 --> 00:27:08.640 For accessing library resources for off campus so. 373 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:08.640 --> 00:27:13.860 In essence, it is quintessential for students then you will. 374 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:13.860 --> 00:27:17.520 Like, we never be here on the campus. 375 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:17.520 --> 00:27:21.330 Um, so it's very, very important. 376 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:21.330 --> 00:27:26.490 Students know what their net ID and password is um, at the bottom of this slide. 377 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:26.490 --> 00:27:29.910 Is the website that maintained for. 378 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:29.910 --> 00:27:32.970 All things that I D related, um. 379 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:32.970 --> 00:27:38.250 Should users get a message to indicate they're not authorized or blocked. 380 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:38.250 --> 00:27:42.990 Blocked from using library resources, they should contact, um, our. 381 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:42.990 --> 00:27:47.070 Or the program directly, um, unfortunately. 382 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:47.070 --> 00:27:51.810 As much as we rely on that, I D, we don't have the credential. 383 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:51.810 --> 00:27:56.400 Or identity management, so we're unable to kind of. 384 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:56.400 --> 00:27:59.610 Um, go into the system and update it. 385 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:27:59.610 --> 00:28:03.690 In order to provide, um, users access. 386 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:03.690 --> 00:28:07.320 So, we're kind of beholden to you. 387 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:07.320 --> 00:28:11.970 In terms of identifying students properly. 388 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:11.970 --> 00:28:18.690 Indicate they are easy students, or they are faculty, or they are staffed. Um. 389 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:18.690 --> 00:28:25.380 So, I just wanted to make sure I had a slide on that as reference for everybody. 390 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:25.380 --> 00:28:30.540 I think this is also a reiteration troubleshooting. 391 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:30.540 --> 00:28:34.410 All access issues related to UConn resources. 392 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:34.410 --> 00:28:38.700 Um, electronic resources can just be sent to the support. 393 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:38.700 --> 00:28:45.120 Um, report issues, no matter how small we do, tend to see patterns after a while. 394 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:45.120 --> 00:28:48.870 And we try to make sure that. 395 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:48.870 --> 00:28:53.280 We're keeping track of some of these patterns so that we understand whether or not. 396 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:53.280 --> 00:28:58.590 You know, the implementation of a new security measure by. 397 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:28:58.590 --> 00:29:03.960 Um, or by 1 of our vendors may be coming into play and that's why we're seeing. 398 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:03.960 --> 00:29:08.910 For instances in which users are not getting right into the access. 399 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:08.910 --> 00:29:12.720 And the way they're used to sell, no report is. 400 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:12.720 --> 00:29:17.700 No issue is too small to report. Um, the worst case scenario is we send you a message. 401 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:17.700 --> 00:29:22.470 Okay, I'm not 100 sure why I'm seeing something different. 402 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:22.470 --> 00:29:27.900 So, let's clear our cache together and see what error messages come up. 403 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:27.900 --> 00:29:31.860 And find out if there was a fluke, or if something deeper. 404 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:31.860 --> 00:29:35.610 Um, we've also had this is in which. 405 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:35.610 --> 00:29:38.700 We've gone through every level of. 406 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:38.700 --> 00:29:44.790 Of troubleshooting that we can think of, and ultimately it will come down to say, uh. 407 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:44.790 --> 00:29:50.130 You know, an issue with cookies or browser history or something. 408 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:50.130 --> 00:29:54.840 They actually in their hardware, their actual computer or the laptop. 409 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:29:54.840 --> 00:30:00.150 That needs to be looked at in those instances we refer to our. 410 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:00.150 --> 00:30:04.920 Um, you may and your schools have point people for that is. 411 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:04.920 --> 00:30:10.140 As well, um, but just to kind of give you a general understanding. 412 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:10.140 --> 00:30:15.390 Um, if we can't if we deem it as something that, um. 413 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:15.390 --> 00:30:18.570 Is likely hardware related, so. 414 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:18.570 --> 00:30:22.950 The actual computer, um, we may refer it back to you all. 415 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:22.950 --> 00:30:29.340 Um, or just to make sure that the, the student or faculty is getting. 416 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:29.340 --> 00:30:34.020 All of the help, they may need to figure out why it is that they can't get where they need to go. 417 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:34.020 --> 00:30:38.490 Um, most issues are resolved, I. 418 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:38.490 --> 00:30:43.320 Clearing a browser clearing the browser history or cookies. 419 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:43.320 --> 00:30:46.590 Um, I want to say of the. 420 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:46.590 --> 00:30:49.770 10 or so tickets I might get in a day 5 of them. 421 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:49.770 --> 00:30:54.090 Ends up being a browser history or a cookie. 422 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:30:54.090 --> 00:31:00.570 Issue where they kind of just get the browser just remembering way too much. They can't quite figure out. 423 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:00.570 --> 00:31:04.560 How to get there from here? Um, so. 424 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:04.560 --> 00:31:08.160 Worst case scenario, so if you're encountering issues. 425 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:08.160 --> 00:31:12.960 You want to do those 1st, steps of troubleshooting, clear the browser. 426 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:12.960 --> 00:31:17.190 Clearly cookies does it work on 1 browser? Try another browser. 427 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:17.190 --> 00:31:23.520 Um, and try and keep track of of error messages, and any kind of indication like that. So that. 428 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:23.520 --> 00:31:27.570 When you and or your student or faculty member need to report it. 429 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:27.570 --> 00:31:31.890 Um, we're not wasting your time by asking you to do those same things. 430 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:31.890 --> 00:31:38.430 If it's an authentication issue, we also ask. 431 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:38.430 --> 00:31:44.520 If people can notice whether or not, there's a UConn icon in the corner. We. 432 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:44.520 --> 00:31:52.260 Typically, put on any resources that we do subscribe to or do you have access to a brand of some sort. 433 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:52.260 --> 00:31:56.040 Um, so it's easier for us to figure out whether or not. 434 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:31:56.040 --> 00:32:00.420 The issue is actually authentication and now that we have. 435 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:00.420 --> 00:32:04.800 Um, 2 factor for our regular campus. 436 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:04.800 --> 00:32:10.350 People it's, it's a nice measure to kind of help us figure out even. 437 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:10.350 --> 00:32:13.380 Whether or not, it's being hung up. 438 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:13.380 --> 00:32:16.770 Because of 2 factor, which doesn't apply to you so I'm a solid. 439 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:16.770 --> 00:32:21.060 Sorry for bringing that up over and over again, but it helps us understand whether or not the. 440 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:21.060 --> 00:32:24.090 Proxy is working properly, um. 441 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:24.090 --> 00:32:28.020 To to some extent. So those are some general. 442 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:28.020 --> 00:32:32.640 Things to kind of keep in mind information that you can share. And when you, you report. 443 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:32.640 --> 00:32:37.740 Um, issues just so that we can save you time because we generally go through. 444 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:37.740 --> 00:32:41.820 The same kind of regular rigamarole, you know. 445 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:41.820 --> 00:32:45.450 We want to make sure that everybody's being authenticated. We do have access. 446 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:45.450 --> 00:32:49.020 To check to see if net IDs are active. 447 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:49.020 --> 00:32:52.800 Um, and we will share that information. So if. 448 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:52.800 --> 00:32:58.020 Somebody reaches out and we're like the reason why I can't get in and it's likely because. 449 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:32:58.020 --> 00:33:05.040 You're Mark inactive um, we'll share that information with you so you can follow up with or. 450 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:05.040 --> 00:33:08.070 Um. 451 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:08.070 --> 00:33:13.530 But, you know, we want to make sure the authentication is working. We want to make sure that the vendor is not. 452 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:13.530 --> 00:33:19.170 Involved they're not doing some kind of strange maintenance that they didn't notify us on. 453 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:19.170 --> 00:33:22.290 Um, so just covering all those bases. 454 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:22.290 --> 00:33:27.720 Um, as best we can find out specifically what the issue may or may not be. 455 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:27.720 --> 00:33:30.750 Um, so I left is. 456 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:30.750 --> 00:33:36.870 Slide in here in case, people had particular general questions they wanted to ask. 457 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:36.870 --> 00:33:40.230 Or 1, specifically about troubleshooting. 458 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:40.230 --> 00:33:43.590 Um, did anybody have any. 459 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:43.590 --> 00:33:47.700 Particular questions or troubleshooting issues, I think. 460 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:47.700 --> 00:33:52.470 Last time we had talked about the 2 factor, but we also, um. 461 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:33:52.470 --> 00:34:01.350 Had a conversation about it was 1 school that didn't allow international servers to be accessed. 462 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:01.350 --> 00:34:07.740 Is there anything like that lingering or other questions that I can answer? 463 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:34:07.740 --> 00:34:10.889 Okay. 464 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:34:10.889 --> 00:34:20.100 I'm not seeing anything in the chat right now, but, um, yeah, anybody, if you have any questions about accessing resources, troubleshooting, anything like that or if you're. 465 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:34:20.100 --> 00:34:23.580 Seeing consistent issues on your campus accessing. 466 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:34:23.580 --> 00:34:31.620 Particular materials from the University, just let us know happy to answer any questions. Anyone has. Yeah. 467 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:31.620 --> 00:34:35.550 All right, so. 468 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:35.550 --> 00:34:39.350 Yeah, I'll, you know, people can take time and put things in the chat. 469 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:38.639 --> 00:34:42.310 So, on the next slide, this is my. 470 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:42.310 --> 00:34:45.540 From my wonderful reference colleague. 471 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:45.540 --> 00:34:50.080 Um, so 1 of the, the things that I think that, um. 472 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:48.690 --> 00:34:54.580 That kind of bump me out a little bit was a realization that sometimes the. 473 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:52.380 --> 00:34:58.260 Was a realization that sometimes the access can be difficult for your some students and. 474 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:55.380 --> 00:35:01.160 For some students, and that as a library, you are having to say. 475 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:34:59.430 --> 00:35:04.740 Uh, library you are having to say, okay, well, because of restrictions here on campus. 476 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:04.740 --> 00:35:09.250 And you'll have to go home in order to try and access something. So, 1 of the. 477 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:08.050 --> 00:35:13.000 Something so 1 of the things that I'm hoping will help. 478 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:11.260 --> 00:35:21.180 Will help in those particular instances, and the extended library reference chat services that my reference colleagues are providing now. So that in those instances. 479 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:19.980 --> 00:35:26.680 So that in those instances in which students do have to go home and after hours and. 480 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:25.050 --> 00:35:28.140 And, um. 481 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:28.140 --> 00:35:35.110 Do their research there is somebody around that can help them. They do have their all libraries. 482 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:32.430 --> 00:35:38.390 They do have their own libraries, so they do have basic troubleshooting. 483 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:35.550 --> 00:35:41.660 Did you have basic troubleshooting knowledge and they can help make sure, you know, at the. 484 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:39.060 --> 00:35:42.450 Knowledge and they can help make sure, you know, at the time. 485 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:42.450 --> 00:35:46.320 Oh, well they can't access the database either. 486 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:45.720 --> 00:35:52.680 Either so, maybe the databases down all together and they'll drop us a line and say, hey, we found this out last night. He's looking. 487 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:49.920 --> 00:35:55.550 Hey, we found this out last night we look into it, so just my. 488 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:53.790 --> 00:35:57.360 Um, so just my extra plug to say, hey. 489 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:35:57.360 --> 00:36:01.180 Is awesome and another level. 490 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:00.780 --> 00:36:06.290 Um, support is not, uh, you know, doesn't cover hours. 491 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:04.290 --> 00:36:09.260 Uh, you know, doesn't cover hours all day. Um, we do work together. 492 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:07.860 --> 00:36:13.610 We do work together the Yukon library to kind of get each other's back and. 493 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:10.860 --> 00:36:16.890 Be ready to kind of get each other's back and this is getting mine. Sure. 494 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:36:14.940 --> 00:36:18.240 Sure. 495 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:18.240 --> 00:36:21.600 Yep, and so I think the last 1 I have is. 496 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:21.600 --> 00:36:28.930 Quick links 1 of the things I wanted to do is kind of make this presentation hopefully. 497 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:26.220 --> 00:36:32.500 Presentation, um, hopefully kind of a, a quick guide, um, or. 498 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:29.820 --> 00:36:33.300 A quick guy or a reference guide. 499 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:33.300 --> 00:36:36.810 So, they go. 500 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:36.810 --> 00:36:41.180 List of quick links. So these are the things that kind of talked about and. 501 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:41.180 --> 00:36:44.730 That is throughout this particular presentation. 502 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:44.730 --> 00:36:48.420 Um, as well as the to. 503 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:48.420 --> 00:36:51.820 What I deem to be the 22 of the more important. 504 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:51.820 --> 00:36:56.400 Call, um, support email addresses that I tend to use. 505 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:36:56.400 --> 00:37:02.190 So, I don't know if there are any questions comments. 506 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:37:02.190 --> 00:37:05.430 Um, I'm hoping to all of the above. 507 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:37:05.430 --> 00:37:09.960 Um, and we'll additionally say again, my apologies for my technical issues. 508 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:37:09.960 --> 00:37:18.000 So, it looks like the only question that we have in there is. 509 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:37:18.000 --> 00:37:26.910 Uh, thank you for today's presentation. Is it possible to have the slides PowerPoint shared with today's attendees? Yes, absolutely. We'll gather up, um, the. 510 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:37:26.910 --> 00:37:35.910 Powerpoint presentations where we can, and then we will make sure to distribute that to you guys in addition to, um, the recordings. 511 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:37:35.910 --> 00:37:42.370 Um, of the different sessions today, so, yes, we will, we will definitely make that stuff available to, you. 512 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:37:39.570 --> 00:37:42.570 We will, we will definitely make that stuff available to, you. 513 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:37:42.570 --> 00:37:47.310 Yeah, and it's through the other sessions that you had. 514 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:37:47.310 --> 00:37:53.160 Um, there are things that are E, resources related that I can incorporate into this presentation before. Um. 515 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:37:51.310 --> 00:37:56.100 Before I pass on a final version to. 516 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:37:56.100 --> 00:38:01.870 Zach, and Kelsey, I'm more than happy to do that. Just so all. 517 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:37:59.280 --> 00:38:05.690 So, um, all E, resource related things can kind of be in this presentation and you can, you. 518 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:38:03.840 --> 00:38:07.260 Presentation and you can use it as well as a reference. 519 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:38:07.260 --> 00:38:12.120 Oh, thank you so much for that. Mm. Hmm. 520 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:38:12.120 --> 00:38:19.320 Okay, so I'm not seeing any questions for anybody. 521 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:38:19.320 --> 00:38:24.690 So, we'll go ahead and close out the session and, uh. 522 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:38:24.690 --> 00:38:28.200 Close up this, uh, particular, um. 523 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:38:28.200 --> 00:38:31.230 Occurrence of our training. 524 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:38:31.230 --> 00:38:38.430 Um, if you guys do have any questions, please, please feel free to reach out to any of us. We're more than happy to help out. 525 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:38:38.430 --> 00:38:45.840 Um, so thank you guys so much for attending today. Really appreciate it. I hope that this was a valuable experience for everybody. 526 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:38:45.840 --> 00:38:50.340 Um, and we look forward to seeing you guys at the next 1. 527 "Zach Claybaugh" (3839000832) 00:38:50.340 --> 00:38:53.460 So, thanks again, have a great rest of your day. 528 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:38:53.460 --> 00:38:59.700 Thanks that 1st steering for me. 529 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:38:59.700 --> 00:39:03.180 Oh, no problem at all. Happy to do it. 530 "8609****23" (2386471424) 00:39:03.180 --> 00:39:07.860 All right take care. Yep, you too. Thanks. Everybody.